Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why not Minot? Freezin's the Reason.

"As long as we don't go to Minot, I wont care where we go" This is something I said quite frequently when Kenny first joined the Air Force. Last Friday the Air Force served my words up piping hot on a platter. Minot it is. That's North Dakota for those of you who don't know. Like 20 minutes from Canada, North Dakota.
Now I've never seen the merit of wallowing in self pity. For an extended amount of time that is. I promised myself and Kenny should we get Minot, I would wallow for five minutes and be done with it. Which is exactly what I did. Followed by slightly hysterical laughter at the irony of it all. After assuring Kenny I was not having a mental breakdown, I quickly began to see how the pros outweighed the cons of this PCS (Permanent Change of Station). But that's really beside the point. I can usually find the glass half full in any situation. The real point is that as an Air Force spouse I serve my country every day by supporting my husband. Never more so than when I do my best to make these transitions go as smoothly as possible.
However, this doesn't mean I wont be holding Kenny to an agreement we made when he was assigned B-52's. Zoe gets clothes. Until now the only article of clothing Kenny approved of was a Broncos jersey. But now its time to step it up a notch. We wouldn't want poor little Z to suffer from frostbite! Most of the items I have my eye on are very practical but I cant help sticking it to Kenny just a bit with this adorable little number
And yes, those are doggie long johns.


  1. We got boots for our doberman. They are prone to frostbite between their foot pads (the snow and ice pack in there and don't thaw quickly). On the plus side, Moose loves it LOL

    Miss you guys! Petsmart has booties available.

    Minot is only 9 hours from us :)
    Jennifer Hillier

  2. Jen! I thought I had posted a response to this but I guess it didnt stick. I found this stuff called "Musher's Secret" thats supposed to keep their paws from freezing.
    We will definitely have to plan trips to visit each other once we are up there.
